
Juniper / Juniperus scopulorum

Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'
From Lowe's, planted in late winter 2018, but removed in 2024

Replaced with 'Blue Arrow' from Forestfarm in spring 2024


'Skyrocket' is an upright, narrow juniper. I thought it was synonymous with 'Blue Arrow', but it turns out it is wider, more open, less blue and less dense. Not what I thought. Pictures of it all over the internet were variable, it was hard to tell what it would look like.

'Blue Arrow' is what we planted in Greg's garden that got quite big, but stayed dense and upright and had no thinning on the back against the fence.

As a comparison to my Skyrocket juniper, planted about the same time although smaller at purchase, here is what Greg's 'Blue Arrow' junipers looked like in 2021, and 'Skyrocket' in 2023 on the right:

It's not what I wanted -- growing to 5 feet wide with an open upright shagginess, it is too big, and too close up against the fence, which is making the growth on the backside sparse. I want an eye-catching vertical statement as I look out the bedroom slider, and it needs to be narrow.

I got a Blue Arrow juniper from Forestfarm in 2024 and will start over. Blue Arrow stays 3 feet wide, is denser and bluer.