
NJ Tea / Ceanothus ameicana

Ceanothus americana
From the Waterwise plant sale in May 2018, then replaced again.

From High Country Gardens in spring 2020.
I'm trying again, but I will grow this on in a pot for a couple years first -- my little sticks planted out in the garden at a small size didn't do well. I'm hoping I can nurture this along until I can plant it at some size.

I had this New Jersey Tea plant in my old garden and loved it until it declined (soil was too rich and too wet and it got outcompeted after a few years.)

I planted it under the dining room window between the two aspens. In winter 2019 it got stepped on when the pruners were working on the aspens above it -- nothing of the woody structure left and it did not regrow.

It was a beautiful plant in my CT garden until it declined a few years later.

The first little transplant here dried up and died. While this is a dry lover and likes lean soil, it does not have thick protected leaves. The plant is actually delicate and the thin leaves struggle in the hot winds of afternoons here. Even with the shade this gets.

I got another one at the Waterwise sale in late May and have kept it really moist. It is doing much better, looking perky and putting on growth.

June 17, 2018

However, I think it is now getting too much water and looks a bit chlorotic. I added some fertilizer, but want to be careful -- this plant does not like rich soil. I think I just need to cut back on too much water now that it seems to have established.

June 17, 2018