From the Waterwise plant sale in 2018
Added several more in 2022, 2023 and 2024 from High Country Gardens
This is a tiny, low, red flowered beardtongue with very fine needle-like foliage. It is evergreen.
They bloom in late May. They are doing well but need to spread and bulk up.
May 17, 2020. Starting to bloom in mid May |
This is a tiny, low, red flowered beardtongue with very fine needle-like foliage. It is evergreen.
'Compact' stays small and tidy, but needs some room around it to spread a bit. It doesn't like crowding. It wants lean soil and little water.
I planted two in the red volcanic rocks in the front triangle.
The flowers are tiny, and not very profuse, but light catches them in a way that highlights them from inside the house as I sit in the den.
They bloom in late May. They are doing well but need to spread and bulk up.
Specimens at the Santa Fe Botanical garden and in pictures show a plant covered densely in bright red. Like so many of my plants, it wants at least medium moisture, not the dry, lean soil advertised.
I eventually had enough to divide a clump, and in 2022 I put the division between the two blue-leaved lambsears at the front of the potting bench curve near the moss rocks. I like the contrast of foliage colors and forms.
Bu I really need to cut back the lambs ears and give this little plant room.
In 2022 and 2023 I planted several around the outer ring of the birdbath circle and added more in 2024. It will be a couple years before they bulk up enough to show.
Meanwhile, here's what a friend's maure pineleaf penstmons look like:
In a friend's garden 2023 |