
Dwarf Goldenrod / Solidago

July 23, 2021
Dwarf Goldenrod / Solidago

A small upright dwarf goldenrod was here when we bought the house. It was just a little clump sitting in the gravel in front of the front porch.

It's sort of random by itself out in the gravel, but I don't want to put anything else around it. 

I guess I like the clean, spare look, and the clump is quite tidy. I'm not sure what cultivar it is.

I swore I would never plant a cultivated goldenrod after battling the 6 foot tall masses and masses of giant wild goldenrod surrounding us in the meadow in CT.

But here it is, a little one, and quite nice. It's a reliable mid summer bloomer and the dried seedheads look good after the yellow has faded.

Here it was in September 2017, with dried seedheads after the golden flowers went by.

Starting to bloom, July 7, 2018

In full bloom by August 1, 2018.

I keep thinking I could use this open, sunny spot to plant something with more presence that needs sun --something else big and shrubby or more dramatic or with some movement at the front of the house.

August 1, 2018

But. I keep resisting any move. I don't want to dig it up, although its small size means I could use it elsewhere easily.

I do like the open, clean, almost spare look of the front walk and really don't want a lot of stuff in front.

June 22, 2020, starting to bloom early

So I think I'll keep this tight bun of a dwarf goldenrod right where it is, by itself in the gravel. Easy care, a pop of interest as you come to the front door, it lets the urn and the structure of the portal beams be the point of interest as you approach the front door.