
Catmint / Nepeta

Nepeta perhaps 'Little Trudy'.

Beneath the aspens in the back courtyard there was a bit of greenery, just a few leaves in the gravel, when we moved in. It looked like a struggling weed. I watered it and it took off, and to my delight it became a full mat of foliage with blue flowers.

This is a low growing catmint, and the closest I can find to its habit and blue flowers is 'Little Trudy'. A plant site I researched mentioned buying 'Little Trudy' in Santa Fe, so I know it was sold here.

April 28, 2020. Catching some morning sun

April 25, 2020

It seeds around itself quite a bit and in spring 2020 I dug a few up and planted them in the center of the kitchen courtyard garden. This stays low and tidy and I think it will fill the front of the courtyard garden nicely. Easy to grow and transplant.

April 11, 2018

It starts blooming in very early April and keeps going all summer. It remains a low mat of foliage and not the bigger, upright 'Dropmore' nepeta I had in CT.

Second week of April

But in fall 2020 I removed the rock circles from the base of both aspens, and after that the catmint looked stranded out in the open gravel.

November 16, 2020

I need to dig it up and move it into the garden space behind the aspen.

November 16, 2020 -- it looks odd out in the gravel now.