
Blueberry / Vaccinium

Vacccinium corymbosum 'Sunshine Blue' 
Planted spring 2021 in a container. From Park Seed.

This is a dwarf blueberry, supposed to be dense and quite small, so it's good for containers. 

A southern highbush variety. It takes several years to get a good crop going. Be patient.

Mobot says this plant is mostly ornamental, with a small fruit crop in June, but pictures all show very heavy fruit crops and a couple bloggers have reported lots of berries on their plants. 

Not sure what the taste is, and whether this will be worth growing for its berries. 

June 2023
I'm okay with a small crop -- I only want a few for breakfast at a time.

I have it in the white cement pot by the kitchen door where it will get a lot of sun and can be kept moist right by the faucet. 

But of course I planted it in mid April 2021 and then it got semi-frozen with night time temps near 30 degrees, and it got wind whipped in cold nasty wind. That turned the leaves red. But it lives.

In 2022 it came in looking good. By 2023 it was looking full and healthy, but there were no flowers or fruits.

In winter 2023-2024 it held its leaves, turning a nice bronze.