Helleborus x hybridus 'Spanish Flare'
Planted Spring 2024 from Bluestone Perennials
A tall, upright hellebore with yellow flowers and a maroon throat.
Hellebores want shade and moisture but don't need much care. They are okay in irrigated soils, but don't let them get waterlogged. They don't look good in drought, but they will survive and come back.
They bloom in late winter, but the foliage stays nice all year. It takes several years for hellebores to bloom.
Don't remove the old foliage until after the new stalks come up, though.
Plantlets will form around the base to spread this plant out, and will bloom after three years.
Hellebores are poisonous.
I never thought about planting hellebores, but this came as a free plant in a Bluestone order.
I put it in the potting bench curve right next to the twiggy aronia at the back. It will get shade there, but I'll have to water it well. They don't like waterlogged soil, but even with irrigation and hand watering I don't think this spot will be very wet.
In summer the leaves did crisp and it wilted a bit, even with frequent hand watering. It's probably not a great plant for my climate.