
Sand Cherry / Prunus besseyi

Sand Cherry / Prunus besseyi 'Pawnee Buttes'
From Plants of the Southwest Spring 2024

I got a Pawnee Buttes sand cherry to go in the spot where the desert willow had been at the corner of the garage. It's Prunus pumila var. besseyi.

Pawnee Buttes sand cherry
It has lovely white flowers in spring, red fall color and it is kind of a filler plant, low and spreading. Not tall, it's described as a ground cover shrub, to 18 inches, but the branches grow upward giving it some presence. 

I don't need anything tree-like in this spot, although the upright tree form desert willow would have been a nice accent. 

I'm okay with just filling this open area with something eye-catching, while the oaks some day will provide some height and sense of a grove nearby. I actually like the view beyond the corner to the walking trail.

What I need, though is something really tough and hardy that can take poor soil, full hot sun, and needs little water. 

I can get the hose to it pretty easily, but it's a harsh site, exposed in winter and hard to keep moist. We'll see how this does.

Pretty raggedy looking its first year. The foliage browned a bit and it didn't;t grow. Not settled in yet.