
Mini Crevice Garden


But I don't want a real rock garden or true gravel crevice garden with succulents and tiny alpine plants. I just want a tiny berm at the corner of the patio table area where I can interplant the Monardella macranthas among small slabs set on their edges.

The monardellas need to be seen close up and in contrast with light gravel or stones. 

I'm not really getting much from them in the red volcanic rock in the front triangle by the walk, and the one I had in the big urn on the front porch was too much of the same red with the nearby geraniums in the trough.

Too much red, and the urn needs something flashier that can be seen coming up the walk or from the street - I'll just plant bright pansies in it like I did earlier in the season -- yellow for contrast.

Like this - keep it simple and colorful ------>

And I can put pansies or petunias in the plastic pot that sits inside the urn, so I don't have to plant and re-plant in the container itself. I can just take the pot out when I need to.

Here are two more inspiration photos, but I don't want it so steeply pitched and with the rocks further apart.

So, what I want is not a true crevice garden.

Here's my start on it, but I still need more rocks on edge, a few bigger sizes, and I need to transplant the two monardellas from the front triangle garden to here.

It looks dinky now, but I can make it bigger. The monardellas want to be in shade mostly, and beneath the Chinese privet and with the fence nearby, they do get shade almost all day later in the season. In fact the solar lights don't charge enough in that spot now.

Earlier in the season there is sun here a good part of the day, though.

Can I get this idea to work here? We'll see. Love these monardellas.