
Sweet Summer Love

I'm fascinated by a lovely clematis 'Sweet Summer Love', related to sweet autumn clematis but much more restrained. 10 to 15 feet. The color of the small flowers is rich and two toned and jewel like. It's fragrant ("vanilla and almond") and it blooms earlier than sweet autumn clematis, starting in mid summer, going to fall.

It's highly variable, though. Reviews say that one plant will flower prolifically while another in the same conditions won't bloom well at all. That kind of reporting is frequent -- some have good results, some have poor flowering.

I'm conflicted. Where to put it? One idea is to keep it in a large pot with a structure to climb, as shown here. I could move it to different sites and try out where it would be best. 

Here's an idea for providing a climbing structure:

Attach a stretched out slinky up a pole

It's a beautiful color, but a hard color to incorporate with the other things I have going. It flowers into September.