
Trumpet Honeysuckle / Lonicera sempervirens

Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
From Waterwise plant sale, spring 2018.

Gail's blooming at Memorial Day.
Hers is in full sun
Trumpet honeysuckle will grow in shade, and where I have it on the back fence really is in quite deep shade almost all day in summer. 

Flowering is reduced in shade -- but this is such a heavy bloomer, it still blooms well.

This is what the Major Wheeler vine looked like that I gave to Gail, planted by her pool, in full sun in the north.  ͢

Here in the hot southwest at high elevation the foliage may get too fried in full sun. Although Waterwise had several big full ones in all day sun in their display gardens by the greenhouse.

It's on the trellis that the former owners left us, against the back fence. The step down to the lower level hides its bare knees at the bottom.

By its fourth year in 2021, this vine had scrambled up the trellis and across the fence nicely. But 2021 saw almost no blooms at all -- not anywhere near as many as the year before. Just a few and sporadic. 

But since then it has flowered nicely each year, and the vine is slowly expanding all along the fence.

In 2022 and 2023

It's actually hard to capture the elegant red flowers in shade -- the camera has trouble with red and with the dark background of the fence. But seen from down the yard, it's eye catching in a very quiet, soft way.

2024 was a light flowering season, and he vine hasn't grown any more size than in 2023, but it is healthy enough and in the late fall it was still green.

mid November 2024