
Salmonberry / Rubus spectabilis

Rubus spectabilis 'Golden Ruby'
From Avant Gardens in spring 2018
Now an Ex-plant. It grew well enough, but didn't have the presence to fill the corner (I ended up putting Green Tower boxwoods in that corner for more dense screening and height.)

The biggest problem was the thin leaves. When there was enough air moisture they were bright golden and fresh looking, but in dry air they crisped, even as the plant itself was well watered and growing in almost full shade. The leaves were always browned at the edges. Not attractive.
So in the summer of 2020 it came out. 

🌱 🌱 🌱 Here's the history of why I planted it and how it did initially:

This is a shade lover, with bright golden foliage to brighten the back corner of the garden under the aspens, next to the potting bench. It's pretty shady in that back corner.

In 2020 it came in beautifully -- the foliage really is bright and clean. But it wants to arch with a long cane growing that I had to hold up in a metal circle. I want this to be bushy -- eventually, with more size, I'll need to prune it to get that shape.

Otherwise I think I'll have a big arching raspberry bush here.

June 16, 2020

No flowers yet, I think it is too young. They are supposed to be pink.

May 25, 2019
Filling in nicely in its second year

June 24, 2018

It is a type of raspberry, but the berries are not salmon colored. The name comes from the fact that the fruit was eaten with salmon. The flowers are not prolific -- single, pink rose like blooms, and the raspberry like fruit is not prolific either, but it is edible.

An example of a full -- not arching and leggy -- rounded salmonberry is here:

Eventually it should look rounded like this. I think I'll have to prune to this shape.

It does brighten the back corner, and looks good especially with the streaked foliage of Hakonechloas in front of it, repeating the golden color.

When it arrived mail order, it was a dead looking stick. It took most of May for it to put out any leaves from the base, but it settled in and has begun to fill out.