
Beeblossom / Gaura

Gaura lindheimerii, I think it is Intermountain Beauty, a tall white flowered one
 (lost the tag)
From Waterwise plant sale
Planted summer 2018


In my CT garden these never came back, so I planted gaura as annuals each year. Here it returns reliably. 

Keep the stalks over winter to improve hardiness, and cut back to just above ground in spring. Mulch with gravel -- gaura wants dry infertile, hot soil.

This was planted at the base of the rain barrel where overflow drowns it at times. But it did well and each year it cams back fuller. 

I got two here the first year, 2018, and put one at the back of the potting bench curve and one at the foot of Big Red the Rainbarrel, but I never looked at the tag to see what variety I got. I expected to replant them the next year, or to lose them and just let nearby plants get bigger and fill in.

They ended up being spectacular in their first year, and both came back. Now I wish I knew what each one was!

The one in the potting bench curve is gone, it was in too much shade. 

The one by the rain barrel is a white flowered gaura, and very tall. Upright, but leggy and floppy since it gets too much water.

In 2023 I moved it to the strip in front of the fence, then moved it again to the kitchen courtyard. 

Gaura does not like being moved, and I may have lost it at this point. 

They are easy enough to source at local stores, so I may buy more. And I've had some smaller pink varieties that are nice too.