
Perky Sue / Hymenoxys

Hymenoxys scaposa (or Tetraneuris scaposa or T. argentea)
From the Waterwise plant sale spring 2019


These are called Thriftleaf Perky Sue. They are also classified as Tetraneuris, or four nerve daisy. They have cute daisy like yellow flowers on a tightly mounded short plant, with very narrow leaves.

The Waterwise test plot gardens have a long row of them blooming profusely:

I put them originally in the triangle garden at the front walk, but then moved them to the foot of the Peggy Martin rose in back, in between 'Blue Ice' amsonias. I'm not impressed. Sparse flowering, petals were eaten one year, and they totally wilt without a lot of water.

May 20, 2021
In 2021 they finally filled out a little and had multiple blooms. 

The miniature strappy blue green foliage is nice -- the first years it was thin and floppy but looked better in 2021.

One clump has open rays, the other has recurved petals -- not sure why.

When the Perky Sues get even bigger, and when the amsonias fill in, the combination of bright yellow and dark blue blooming at the same time should be nice.

Mine don't seem to have the upright narrow leaves like mature plants I've seen at Waterwise or online. Mine seem to have a rounded, mounding shape with wider lance shaped leaves that cascade over. The flowers are on tall stalks that rise up over the mound of foliage.

June 7, 2020

I searched for images of Hymenoxys scaposa, and they seem to look different in many photos.