
Red Hot Poker / Kniphofia

Kniphofia 'Poco Orange' also called Torch lily and Tritoma
From Sooner Plant Farm in summer 2020, replaced in fall 2020 with one from Newman's

A second one in summer 2021 from Lowe's (unknown variety, not orange) 
Finally got another from Lowe's in 2024, this time Poco Red and put it in the driveway strip.

        All of these are gone now.

Keep it moist but well draining.

I had stayed away from red-hot pokers because they can get huge, but this one is a dwarf variety. It's compact and gets to a foot tall, a foot wide.

I love the clear orange. It's hardy to zone 6 (minus 10) and that's a push some winters for here.

The plant from Sooner Farm was big and in full bloom when I got it.

I put it in the hot dry strip along the driveway and its grassy leaves can spill over the edge if it needs a little more room. It's up against a fence with lots of sun and reflection from the driveway.

July 2, 2021 -- the one on the right is NOT orange.
But boy did it struggle as July came on. It was so big that transplanting was stressful and then the weather turned really hot and dry. The blooms wilted and fell over and the grassy strap foliage withered and browned and disappeared.

I was surprised to find a nice one at Newman's in September 2020, so the struggler came out and I re-planted in cooler weather with the plant from Newman's. 

But I think I overwatered that one in early summer 2021. It got root rot with browned leaves. Too wet. Hard to judge "evenly moist" and "fast draining".

In 2021 I got another 'Poco Orange' at Lowe's and put it in the pot by the patio chair. 

But it was certainly mismarked and when it bloomed it was a rose red -- does that red one look like 'Poco Orange'?

In 2024 planted ‘Poco Red’ in the driveway strip but I lost it.