Philadelphus lewisii 'Cheyenne'
From High Country Gardens in fall, 2021
From High Country Gardens in fall, 2021
This is a large shrub, to about 6 feet tall and wide, with citrus-smelling white flowers. It is supposed to tolerate difficult conditions, both dryness and poor soils. It is described as adaptable. It wants mostly sun, but will take some shade.
My hope is that it will fill the dining room window by the rain barrel, and screen that large low window. And fragrance in spring with the windows open might be a bonus.
This spot under the dining room window, between the rain barrel and aspen trunks, has been my nemesis. There is little soil, just aspen roots and rocks (the second aspen was taken out in fall 2021 just before the mock orange was planted.) It floods when the barrel overflows.
At first I tried tiny sprigs of New Jersey Tea (twice), which I loved in my old garden and they sell here as adapted to Santa Fe. They were tiny, got snapped off and didn't come back after winter.
Then I tried Iroquois Beauty aronia and it just never grew. It stayed tiny and twiggy and got half eaten by a rabbit.
Now I am trying this large, tough shrub, but it is a little thing, its slender branch not even visible in its first winter. With the second aspen gone now, and with some amended soil I am hoping to baby this mock orange along. I really want the white flowers, fragrance and screening potential of this shrub.
In 2024 it put on some growth, but is still quite small.