
Reblooming Iris / Iris germanica

Iris germanica 'Immortality'
From  High Country Gardens in spring 2019

These were gorgeous in my old garden, very crystalline sugary white and they did rebloom at the end of summer.

Gorgeous in my old garden
I planted them along the bottom of the fence in front of the Virginia creeper near the patio table where the bloom will pop against the dark green there.

But they did not bloom well. I only got one bloom the first three years. Foliage looked good.

Concerned they were planted too deep or too close, I dug several up and replanted them in summer 2021, but they didn't do well with that.  

In 2021 I did get another bloom, and it was . . .  purple. Mismarked. I took that one out. It was nice enough but not what I wanted.

This was NOT 'Immortality'

These white irises got moved again to a spot behind the new birdbath garden in 2022. In 2023 I added a few more. Eventually the new garden bench was installed in front of them, with the hope their tall flower stalks would be seen over the bench.

The foliage looked good, but again only one flower bloomed in 2023, with one other fat bud that did not open.