

I love nasturtiums and I thought they would be so colorful and pretty here.

Especially the southwestern colors of deep reds and oranges out in a sunny spot on the patio.

But like other thin leaved plants, their delicate papery leaves can't take the high UV and dry conditions of the air here.

They struggled terribly in the sun, shriveling and refusing to grow.

They did better in shade with lots of water. I kept them in pots to move them around, and they lived, but not well.

In 2020 I decided to try again.
I planted trailing nasturtium seeds in terra cotta troughs on April 16. One trough on the patio coffee table and one other that I later transplanted to the big urn on the front portal. They don't like to be transplanted, so we'll see how those do.

June 8, 2020

Then on April 21 I planted some old heirloom jewel nasturtium seeds I still had in open spots in the potting bench curve garden but none came up, perhaps not viable after a year?

Here are a few shots of the various nasturtiums I grew in Connecticut.