From Bluestone Perennials in fall 2019 and three more in spring 2020
These want moist conditions and will brown out in hot dry summers. Water these well. But wet winters are death and I lost mine in CT after several winters. They need division every few years.
These want moist conditions and will brown out in hot dry summers. Water these well. But wet winters are death and I lost mine in CT after several winters. They need division every few years.
Totally Tangerine geum is larger and taller than the lower, more brick-orange coccineum 'Cooky' ones I had previously. It is a peachier light orange than 'Cooky'. It blooms longer, until September.
'Cooky' in my old garden. Long blooming, but they disappeared after a few years (wet winter soil is death) |
At first I put these along the back fence but they struggled with root competition from the vine and were too dry and crispy.
At first I put these along the back fence but they struggled with root competition from the vine and were too dry and crispy.
Late in June 2020 I moved all of them to the kitchen courtyard where the soil is moister, looser and I can water them easily. However, they get afternoon sun and several were lost to shriveling. Others survived well, but do need a lot of water in summer if in sun.
They bloom for a long time starting in mid May and are just the happiest pops of orange. I'd like more. I did put two in the potting bench curve too.
May 2024 |
In hot weather they need more water than the irrigation provides, and I do water deeply almost every day. In cooler weather they perk up. The foliage looks nice when well watered and stays green all season.
In the pots before transplant they have very large striking leaves, but all the plants that come back after winter have much smaller leaves and are smaller plants. Still pretty, though.
In the pots before transplant they have very large striking leaves, but all the plants that come back after winter have much smaller leaves and are smaller plants. Still pretty, though.