
Horehound / Marrubium

Marrubium rotundifolium / Silver Edged Horehound
From High Country Gardens in fall 2020
Planted 4 in different locations - only two survive

This is a xeric groundcover with fuzzy leaves edged in white. These want sun and dry conditions and will eventually form a mound that spreads out and spills over. Flowers are insignificant and should be cut off when they appear to keep the foliage much nicer looking.

I planted four but in 2021 only two came back. The one planted in the triangle by the front walk looks good and one in the kitchen courtyard was tiny but alive. 

October 3, just planted in the 
front triangle garden
The second one in the kitchen courtyard didn't show up, and the one out by the corner of the driveway didn't either. In summer 2021 I moved the remaining one from the kitchen courtyard out into the front triangle where the struggling sedums had been. 

I hope it spreads and spills. Now the only two remaining are in the front triangle.